My son picked up "Shine A Light", the Martin Scorsese concert documentary on the Rolling Stones. After I got home from a job last night, I looked at it to see if I wanted him to keep it for an extra day so I could watch the whole thing.
I finished watching it a 4:30 AM...fascinated! Some of you might be surprised, but I really enjoyed it. First, it was a superb piece of film editing. I'm in the business and know the problems of production of broadcast quality footage in real time.
There these guys were, making me feel good bvecause they were older and more wrinkled than me, and still kicking butt.
An interesting segement had Kieth Richard and Ron Wood each claiming to be the better guitar player. Righards said that individually, they were pretty awful (and, man he's right), but together, they were better than 10 other players (probably right again).
Been listening to the drummer, who dabbles with his own traditional jazz group for years.
Don't particularly like listening to Stones music. They're pretty unremarkable (read that BAD) players, but, wierd faces, awkward dance moves and all, they're GREAT!
If you have a couple of hours, rent the disk.
It's time well spent experiencing the magic of 4 modern music icons. Man, that Jagger is a quirky old dude!
Russ (former out of control rocker) Lay